Sunday, 1 April 2018


As a the ALY and QLX wagon share common panels, so I thought it would be a quick simple project to convert a ALY into a QLX. I do not need a QLX, as I have a few models already, but thought it would fun to see how much work would be required.

The conversion was simple for the body of the wagon and only took a night to do. But the underside / chassis and frame is a lot more complex than I had anticipated and still a "work in progress". Luckily I have a couple of QLX photos that show some of the underside detail and there is a good set of presentation notes in the "Modelling the Railways of Queensland Convention -1998" handbook that shows the location for the brake gear. Once I have the chassis completed I will add a photo.

A battered QLX at Warwick Qld.
Version 1 print out of the QLX body
 The side walls are over 200 mm long so would not fit on my printer (My print bed is 200 x 200 mm). To resolve this issue, I printed the roof and side walls of the QLX on a 45 degree angel, problem solved.

The test print out worked out good. The roof will need a bit of filler and sanding to help remove the layer marks. I am slowly getting the settings of the printer under control.

A latter version QLX in Meriba, Qld.

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